How to Permanently Get Rid of Weeds in the Driveway


Unexpectedly weed-friendly locations include crevices in sidewalks and driveways. These crevices have a lot of dirt and organic materials in them, which makes them the ideal place for grass and weed seeds, which are frequently extremely small. Furthermore, moisture is frequently retained just below the paving’s surface and any plant with roots that extend below the slab may reach this moisture. In fact, these invasive plants occasionally appear to thrive in these little pavement fissures and driveways much more than they do in the grass and garden.

Some plants and grasses flourish in the heat. For example, the warm-season annual grass known as crabgrass grows well in gaps in driveways and patios. Because they are so small, their seeds may fit through even the slightest crevices. Quackgrass is particularly evil since it is a perennial plant that may persist even if just a few fragments of root remain under the slab. In little time at all, a new shoot will appear if only the exposed area of the grass is removed. The soil beneath a dark-colored asphalt driveway retains heat better in cold weather than in the surrounding area because it absorbs sunlight. Some weeds and grasses are able to handle the salts in ice-melting products with ease. One cool-season grass that may have a fair chance of making it through the winter on a driveway is fescue, which is also slightly salt-tolerant. In the winter, sedge, a close relative of fescue grass, typically retains its green color. Then there are the cold-loving weeds, like chickweed, which seem to enjoy temperatures at which other plants have long since vanished.

However, if you have a selection of practical solutions at your disposal, the work will go more smoothly. In fact, homeowners must regularly maintain their landscaping, including controlling weeds on the driveway. To put it another way, the weeds and grasses that flourish in pavement cracks do so because their genes have been genetically modified to thrive in the circumstances brought on by concrete, brick, or asphalt paving. Persistent attempts employing a range of techniques will be required to manage these invasive superplants.

Methods to Get Rid of Weeds

These are various methods you can employ to combat the weed problem in your driveway.

Handpicking Method

This tested-and-trusted approach is still one of the most common ways to get rid of weeds in your driveway. You may stop the weed from growing again by gently plucking it out so that the entire plant, including the root, is removed.

The dirt in the crevices and the subsoil that is retaining the roots will be most easily removed once they have been moistened by rain or a garden hose. So, ensure that the ground is completely moistened before pulling, as this will help ensure that the root of the weed comes all the way out. Pull the weed slowly and carefully while gently wriggling it. This will stop the weed from generating new growth. A tiny screwdriver works well for breaking up the weed’s roots.

You can also try to vacuum out the crack first, then take out as much of the weed as you can before sealing it with cement or masonry caulk. The handpicking method does not require many tools; just bring your fingers along, and also a screwdriver if you prefer that, water, and some cement or caulk to reseal the crevice.

The Boiling Water Method

This is one of the simplest methods to get rid of weeds in your driveway. Instead of throwing boiled water down the drain after usage in the kitchen, it may be put to good use as a weedkiller. Many weeds do well in somewhat warm environments, but none will survive in steaming water. However, please ensure that you don’t use water that contains oil or cooked-meat leftovers.

Pour the boiling hot water over the weed with caution, from a low angle to avoid splashing it on yourself. Pour the water gently, allowing it to reach the roots and thoroughly immerse them. Boiling water treatments may need to be repeated to eradicate certain hardy weeds with long tap roots. The majority of weeds will yield after two or three applications, though. The dead weed can now be removed; the hole cleaned of dirt, and the opening caulked with masonry caulk.

Vinegar and Salt

The majority of weeds and grass will be killed by a mixture of salt and white vinegar (5 percent acetic acid) applied to the driveway.

In a large plastic container, combine one gallon (3.8 liters) of white vinegar (5 percent acetic acid) and one cup (about 228 grams) of salt. Add 1 cup (or.28 liters) of lemon juice to increase the causticness even further. Boosting power: 2 tablespoons (or 28 grams) of dish detergent can be used to boost sticking power. Pickling vinegar is more potent and perhaps more effective for combating weeds since it is more acidic than plain white vinegar. Spray the pavement weeds with care, soaking the exposed foliage with the vinegar solution after filling a small pump spray bottle with it. The dead weed in the crack should be removed after a few days.

Propane Torch

Weeds that are growing in your driveway can be incinerated with a standard propane torch. Many weeds can withstand moderate heat, but not the 2,000 degrees that a propane flame generates. Long-handled weed torch tools are now available from several manufacturers specifically for this use.

Install the gasoline tank on the torch handle with care. Light the torch with a spark lighter or match after slightly opening the valve. Open the valve all the way when the flame starts to burn. Until the weed is burned and turns black, move the live flame back and forth across it. But watch out so as not to melt the asphalt or scorch the concrete. After getting rid of the weed, let the area cool fully, and if necessary, douse any live embers with water. When the pavement has cooled, gently remove as much of the soil and dead plants as you can by vacuuming them out. Put masonry or asphalt caulk in the crack to seal it.


Chemical treatment should only be used as a last resort, but if all other efforts fail, spot-treating grasses and weeds with a weed killer containing glyphosate (such as Roundup) might very well kill the plant from the roots up. Whatever chemical product is used should be used carefully, but we recommend the use of glyphosate since it does not linger in the environment as much as the chemicals in some other herbicides do. Although other herbicides and pesticides may be effective against broadleaf weeds, they are insufficient to eradicate grasses that are thriving in paving cracks, and that is an additional benefit of using glyphosate.

Glyphosate-based herbicides should be thoroughly mixed according to package instructions in a garden sprayer. Herbicide spray should be applied to the exposed weed. The weed should be left alone for a day or two until it is obvious that it has died. Water deeply to soften the roots when the weed is apparently dead and pull it out wearing gloves. You might also opt for a screwdriver or vacuum, and then use masonry caulk or asphalt to seal the crack after that.

As you can see, there are many ways to get rid of weeds growing in your driveway. However, proper maintenance also goes a long way in ensuring that weeds do not sprout in your driveway. For instance,one of the easiest and most effective methods is to use a pre-emergent weed killer around the perimeter of your driveway. This type of treatment prevents new weeds from sprouting up, saving you time and effort later on. Another effective strategy is to lay down some mulch or gravel along the edges of your driveway, which will block sunlight and ensure that any existing weeds don’t grow out of control. Finally, remember to pull out any weeds that manage to sprout up as quickly as possible. Regularly checking your driveway for weeds and removing them is one of the most important preventative measures you can take.

Causes of Weeds in the Driveway

There are several key factors that can contribute to the growth of weeds in driveways. These include:


Weeds need sunlight in order to grow, so areas that are exposed to direct sunlight are more likely to have weeds. Driveways usually receive a lot of sun exposure, which can promote weed growth.


Regular watering and rain will help weeds thrive and grow, so driveways with poor drainage may be more susceptible to weeds.


Fertile soil is often more prone to weed growth, as it provides the nutrients that weeds need for healthy development. Compacted or overly rich soil in driveways may encourage the growth of unwanted weeds.

Limited Activity

If a driveway is not used frequently or regularly maintained, it can become overgrown with weeds. This said, the part of your driveway that has limited traffic is more prone to weed growth than the part that has a lot of traffic.

Cost of Getting Rid of Weed in Your Driveway

The range of $65 to $150 per treatment is the national average price for weed control services. On average, homeowners spend $100 to prepare a 10,900-square-foot site, remove common weeds, apply chemical herbicides, utilize equipment, and clean up the lawn. A service provider will apply a “weed and feed” herbicide-fertilizer mixture to a small 1,400-square-foot area for as little as $30 per treatment. To contract a weed control provider to handle 43,000 sq. ft., expect to pay around $200 for each treatment, which includes preparing the site, removing weeds, applying herbicide, using equipment, and cleaning up afterward.

Tarmac Driveways Nottingham - How the professionals do it
Tarmac Driveways Nottingham - How the professionals do it

Factors that Affect the Cost of Getting Rid of Weeds in your Driveway

Labor Cost

In most cases, it’s not expensive to tackle a driveway with a weed problem. You may need to hire someone to help if you are dealing with a large area or have difficult access. This can cost around $100 per hour. The amount of labor required will also depend on whether your weeds are in cracks or directly underneath the surface. If you have to dig up the entire asphalt layer in order to pluck out weeds, this will take longer and cost more than simply treating them when they grow out of cracks.

Materials Needed

Depending on how serious your weed problem is, you may only need materials such as gloves, clippers, and garden tools. Other times, you might also need herbicides, a vacuum, or other equipment. Whatever materials that would be needed would definitely influence the cost of getting rid of weeds in your driveway.


The location of your property also plays a role in determining how much you are likely to spend getting rid of weeds in your driveway. If you are living in the suburbs, there is a high probability that your costs will be significantly lower than those in urban areas.

The Size of Your Driveway

The size of your driveway is another factor to consider when considering the cost of getting rid of weeds. If your driveway is slightly bigger than normal, there will be a little difference in the estimated cost of an average driveway. However, if not, the cost might remain, for the most part, the same.

The Scope of Work

This has to do with the severity of your weed problem. A complicated job will cost more than a simple weeding job.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you stop grass from growing between interlocks?

There are a few different methods that can be used to prevent grass from growing between interlocking pavers. These include applying pre-emergent herbicides and using mulch, gravel, or other landscaping materials to cover exposed soil. Additionally, regular maintenance, such as mowing and weeding, will also help to keep weeds at bay in the driveway. Additionally, re-sealing your driveway periodically can also help to reduce the risk of weed growth by preventing moisture from penetrating into the cracks of the asphalt surface.

Does baking soda prevent weeds?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as the effectiveness of using baking soda to prevent weed growth has not been thoroughly researched. However, some studies have shown that applying an herbicide containing sodium bicarbonate, a common ingredient in baking soda, may be useful for managing weeds in certain situations. Additionally, adding a layer of mulch or other landscaping materials to an exposed soil surface can help to block moisture and sunlight from reaching potential weed seeds, making it more difficult for them to germinate. Ultimately, the best way to prevent weeds from growing in between your pavers will depend on a number of factors specific to your driveway and landscape. As such, it is important to consult with a professional landscaper or gardening expert before moving forward with any kind of weed management efforts.

How can I completely remove weeds from my gravel driveway?

Your best bet is to use iodized salt. However, do so sparingly since, while it can kill weeds, it will also sterilize the earth for years to come.

Is it preferable to pluck weeds out by hand or spray them?

Manual weeding is preferable for eradicating a few weeds. Large weed infestations are best handled by spraying them. Hand-pulling weeds won’t make them more difficult to get rid of in the future. Weeds that have been sprayed must still be removed from the ground after they are dead.

Contact: Premium Driveways of Nottingham